Rating: 4/5 Stars About the Book: Annie, Durinda, Georgia, Jackie, Marcia, Petal, Rebecca, and Zinnia are octuplets. They were born on August 8th and will be celebrating their 8th birthday and they have eight cats. On New Year's Eve, Mommy went to get eggnog, and Daddy went to get firewood, but they didn’t come back. The Sisters 8 find an anonymous note that says each girl has a power and a gift. Each sister must discover her power and find her gift in order to learn what happened to Mommy and Daddy. But with no Mommy and Daddy around, the girls have more than a mystery to solve. Who will cook them food? Or drive them to school? And how will they pay the bills? The adventures for these octuplets are just beginning! GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: ANNIE’S ADVENTURES is the start to a great new series by authors Lauren Baratz-Logsted and Greg Logsted, along with their daughter, Jackie. The entire family helped write the story and come up with ideas, and there’s definitely something in the...