Rating: 3/5 Stars About the Book: Gregor lives with his mom and sisters in an apartment in New York City. His father has been missing for a couple of years now and his family is still adjusting and leaving Gregor as the man of the house. While doing laundry in the basement laundry room, Gregor's two-year-old sister Boots falls down an air chute and Gregor chases after her. They find themselves in the Underland, which is ruled by royalty and their giant bats, and home to talking cockroaches, giant rats, and spiders. Gregor and Boots are taken to the Queen of the Underlanders and learn of a prophecy which Gregor just might be the key to. Gregor embarks on a quest and sets out to save the Underland and hopefully answer questions about his missing father. GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Suzanne Collins came up with the premise for the Gregor series when thinking about the Alice in Wonderland story and how that would change if Alice had fallen down a hole in New York City. The premise sounds...
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