Genre: Contemporary
Release Date: 5/12/2009
About the Book: Kyra is a 13-year-old girl who lives with her family in The Chosen Ones compound. She has three mothers, 20 siblings, and follows the prophet. She tries to live an obidient life, but she's in love with Joshua, and the two have been meeting in secret. Plus, Kyra's been sneaking off to visit the Ironton County Mobile Library on Wheels and reading books. Kyra notices that things aren't perfect where she lives and she starts to question things. When the prophet announces that Kyra is to be the seventh wife for her 60-year-old Uncle, Kyra knows she needs to escape.
GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: This book came with a lot of praise written up about it so it had a lot to live up to-and boy did it ever! This book is amazing! The Chosen One is a horrifying, chilling tale of a girl caught in the middle of a religious "cult" and her plans to escape. As heartwrenching as this tale is, there's also love, hope and friendship. Kyra develops a relationship with Patrick, the mobile librarian and she begins a romance with Joshua.
Kyra is a strong heroine and I liked her from the first page. She questions things around her. She's smart and she's brave. The story is told between present day and Kyra's flashbacks and the more you get to know Kyra, the more you want to root for her.
This book enticed so many emotions from me, and to me, that's a mark of Ms. Williams amazing writing talent! She could get me so worked up and angry or scared or hopeful and yet I couldn't stop reading because I needed to know what would happen! I wanted to scream and cry along with Kyra This was a book that I did not want to put down.
I have to say that as an avid reader and librarian, I really loved the fact that Kyra could find her escape in books. She would visit the mobile library, check out a book, and that would be her refuge from the pain in her world. The power of books is a beautiful part of this story and any reader can appreciate that part of Kyra's world.
The Chosen One is a book that I will be recommending to everyone. This story goes so much further then the ripped from the headlines idea and gives readers a look inside and takes them on an emotional journey. Even if you're not a fan of issue-books or contemporary fiction, give this one a try. This book is truely a must-read for teens and adults. Get your hands on a copy of The Chosen One-you won't be sorry.
It looks really good! I find the subject matter a little creepy though -_-
ReplyDeleteI have this one in my TBR pile. I'm not usually a fan of issue-books/contemporary fiction but I saw this one listed on Amazon Vine and it looked so interesting that I decided to grab a free copy of it from there!
ReplyDeleteThis book is amazing. I loved it. Much like you I could not stop reading it. I think I finished it in two days.
ReplyDeleteThis book looks really, really good. I can't wait until it comes out... I'll have to add it to my list right now. (:
It sounds so good!
ReplyDeleteI want it!
This sounds awesome!
ReplyDeleteI also sort of think it would be fun to be a mobile Librarian one day.
I'm def. checking this one out!
Awesome review. I really want to read this one as well. It just sounds amazing. And yay for the love of books. I like when that's added in stories. I can def. relate. :)
I just added this to my list! You wrote a great review and now I can't wait to get my hands on it.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like an interesting book. That's for the review.
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading A Place Called Waco for my blog, and it was rather disturbing as well.