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ALA Final Totals or A Giant Long List of Books

Ok, before you look at this super long list and think I'm a crazy obsessed book person (maybe a little) I DID NOT grab all of these books for me. The majority of these books are for work and for the teens on my teen library council to read and review or for me to read before I present my tween training in November. Some I picked up for me yes, but not everything. And I really highly doubt I'll be able to read ALL of these, but I will try my hardest! If it's an ARC, I've put the release month/year next to it. If it's a finished copy, there will be no date. I tried to do this with pictures, but my loot is in three different places right now. Maybe I'll change it later.

P.S.-I'm not trying to gloat or brag at all, I'm posting this list for those who asked to see what books I picked up. And I don't know about you, but I like seeing what books were pushed because then I can keep those books on my radar.

YA and MG Books:
1.Happyface by Stephen Emond-3/10
2.The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima-10/09
3.The Comeback by Marlene Perez
4.Just One Wish by Janette Rallison
5.Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell In Love by Lauren Tarshis
6.The Locked Garden by Gloria Whelen
7.The Doom Machine by Mark Teague-10/09
8.How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford-10/09
9.Viola in Reel Life by Adriana Trigiani-9/09
10.The Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda-9/09
11.By the Time You Read This I'll Be Dead by Julie Anne Peters-1/10
12.Candle Man-Society of the Unrelenting Vigilance by Glenn Dakin-9/09
13.Callie's Rules by Naomi Zucker-8/09
14.Scones and Sensibility by Lindsay Eland-12/09
15.The Witch's Guide to Cooking With Children by Keith McGowan-9/09
16.A Whole Nother Story by Dr. Cuthburt Soup-1/10
17.As You Wish by Jackson Pearce-9/09
18.The Hollow by Jessica Verday-09/09

19.This Side of Magic by Debbie Dadey and Monica Thornton Jones
20.Invisible I-The Amanda Project by Stella Lanton-10/09
21.My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent
22.Invisible Lines by Mary Amato-10/09
23.The Miles Between by Mary E. Pearson-9/09
24.Violet Wings by Victoria Hanley-8/09
25.The Midnight Charter by David Whitley-9/09
26.Gifted by Marilyn Kaye
27.The Maze Runner by James Dashner-10/09
28.The Dark Divine by Bree Despain-12/09
29.Give up the Ghost by Megan Crewe-8/09
30.Shelf Discovery by Lizzie Skurnick
31.A Pearl Among Princes by Colleen Murtagh Paratore-9/09
32.My Invented Life by Lauren Bjorkman-10/09
33.Bad Apple by Laura Ruby-10/09
34.Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick-10/09
35.Mirrorscape by Mike Wilks-10/09
36.The Splendor Falls by Rosemary Clement-Moore-9/09
37.Troy High by Shana Norris-9/09
38.N.E.R.D.S. by Michael Buckley-9/09
39.Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman-10/09
40.A Long Way From Chicago & A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck
41.Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles-8/09
42.Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld-10/09
43.Liar by Justine Larbalestier-10/09
44.Fairy Godmother Academy: Birdie's Book by Jan Bozarth-8/09
45.Leaving the Bellweathers by Kristin Clark Venuti-9/09
46.The Pharoh's Secret by Marissa Moss-10/09
47.Luv Ya Bunches by Lauren Myracle-10/09
48.Flash Burnout by L.K. Madigan-10/09
49.Candor by Pam Bachorz-9/09
50.Psych Major Syndrome by Alicia Thompson-8/09
51.Oggie Cooder Party Animal by Sarah Weeks
52.City of Fire by Laurence Yep-9/09
53.Into the Wild Nerd Yonder by Julie Halpern-10/09
54.Angry Management by Chris Crutcher
55.Glass by Ellen Hopkins
56.Karma for Beginners by Jessica Blank-8/09
57.Nana Vol. 1
58.In the Path of Falling Objects by Andrew Smith-10/09
59.My Name in Henry Bibb by Afua Cooper-9/09
60.Recipe for Disaster by Maureen Fergus-9/09
61.Forest Born by Shannon Hale-9/09
62.Dragon Spear by Jessica Day George
63.Everything Sucks by Hannah Friedman-8/09
64.Girls Acting Catty by Leslie Margolis-9/09
65.The Eyeball Collector by F.E. Higgins-9/09
66.We Were Here by Matt de le Pena-10/09
67.Sweetheart of Prosper County by Jill S. Alexander-9/09
68.Faceless Ones by Derek Landy-9/09
69.Case of Mistake Indentiy by Mac Burnett-10/09
70.Strawberry Hill by Mary Ann Hoberman
71.Day of Assasssins by Johnny O'Brien-10/09
72.Adam Candfield Last Reporter-10/09
73.The Unfinished Angel by Sharon Creech-10/09
74.3NBS of Julia Drew by James M. Deem
75.Goth Girl Rising by Barry Lyga-10/09
76.The Pillow Book of Lotus Lowenstein by Libby Schmais-12/09
77.How Beautiful the Ordinary-Short Stories-10/09
78.Tegami Bochi Vol. 1
79.Back by Norah McClintock
80.Venom by Nikki Tate
81.Food Girls and Other Things I Can't Have by Allen Zadoff-9/09
82.The Brothers Story by Katherine Sturtevant-11/09
83.Ice by Sarah Beth Durst-10/09
84.Secret of the Night Ponies by Joan Hiatt Harlow-10/09
85.Crashed by Robin Wasserman-9/09
86.Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater-8/09
87.Betraying Season by Marissa Doyle-10/09
88.Freaks and Revelations by Davida Wills Hurwin-11/09
89.This Family is Driving Me Crazy-Short Stories-10/09
90.Break by Hannah Moskowitz-8/09
91.Me, Myself and Ike by K.L. Denman-10/09
92.Dancing Queen by Cathy Hopkins
93.Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall-11/09
94.Little Black Lies by Tish Cohen-10/09
95.Loserville by Peter Johnson
96.Looking for Marco Polo by Alan Armstrong-9/09
97.The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness-9/09
98.Metamorphosis-Junior Year by Betsy Franco-10/09
99.The Middle of Everywhere-Monique Franco-10/09
100.Joe Rat by Mark Barratt-9/09
101.An Off Year by Claire Zulkey-9/09
102.Kicked Out by Beth Goobie
103.Time of the Witches by Anna Myers-9/09
104.Hazel by Julie Hearn-11/09
105.Hamlet by John Marsden-8/09
106.Exposure by Mal Peet-10/09
107.Lady MacBeth's Daughter by Lisa Klein-10/09
108.Alvin Ho: Allergic to Camping, Hiking and Other Natural Disasters by Lenore Look

Adult Books:
1.The Children's Book by A.S. Bryant
2.A Deep Dark Secret by Kimberla Lawson Roby
3.Minders of Make Believe by Leonard S. Marcus
4.Well Read and Dead by Catherine O'Connell
5. Short Girls by Bich Minh Nguyen
6.Role of a Lifetime by James Brown (for my dad)

Plus about a dozen various picture books I picked up for my sister.


  1. You got some great ones! There's no way anyone could get all the books that were out there. It was crazy... I got over 100 books, but I'm scared to do a running total. I also had friends that grabbed one and gave it to me later when they found they weren't interested. So I found myself with more than one copy.

    But that's great that you'll put some in your collection or give away to teens. My aunt - a middle school librarian - plans to put all the books in her collection after she reads them - even if they're ARCs. :)

  2. Haha, I love how the first adult book is called The Children's Book. You snagged a ton of great stuff.

  3. Am I jealous or what!?! Lucky duck.

  4. Amazing list. I am infinitely jealous. Can't wait to see what you think of them.

  5. Oh my goodness! Your bags must have been so heavy! :D

    I made it a point to only get books that I was personally interested in and intended to read. Maybe next year I'll actually think about people other than myself and I'm sure my list will be way longer! (And my bags way heavier...) Your teens are lucky to have you!

  6. Holy Toledo, Batgirl! That's a lot of books!!! So sorry I missed you ALA. Next time! :-)

  7. WOAH. Look at all those books!! *thinks of robbing your house*

  8. That's a fantastic list!! The Hollow ARC does say 10-09-09 but that date was moved up to September 1st! I'm so excited that you got it, I hope you'll decide to review it! Let me know if you do.

  9. I got a TON of books, but I keep hearing there was even less than past ALA years. I can't imagine getting more-we drove and our car was packed. Driving was one of the reasons I could bring so many back for my teens. And the chance to read and review ARCS keeps them coming back to library council!

    Jazz-I know, I love that too! It's a crazy long book though, so who knows if I'll actually read it all.

    Becca-I was so thrilled to get Hush, Hush!:)

    Lee-I did the biggest happy dance when I got The Hollow! They had told me earlier they were all out, but then I went back and there was one copy left sitting out-I really think it was waiting for me to come get it. I will for sure be reviewing it-I'll send my review when I do!:)

  10. Wow, what a great haul! Transporting them must have been a good work out loading and unloading :)

  11. Wow! What a haul - I'm so looking forward to reading Leviathan... And, I see you scored one of mine in the pile - enjoy!
    Nikki Tate

  12. Oooh, great list! I'm so envious! I think I'll copy your list so I'll know what to look for at my library. Your teens are very fortunate to have you. Enjoy! :)
    (Where do you even start?)

  13. Oooh, so many wonderful books! I am drooling. I bet you have an outstanding teen library council. They are a lucky bunch.

  14. Wow, that's quite a list!

    I just threw a dart: you should read #27 and #28. :-)

  15. Impressive!! Even at the rate I read, your list would take me a couple of years to get through.

    Holt didn't go to the BEA, so I was happy to see they gave away some of my ARCs at ALA.

    I'm reading Give up The Ghost right now. Very entertaining!

  16. Wow, that's a LOT of books. I can't wait for Ice by Sarah Beth Durst. I recognize some of the Bloomsbury titles as ones I got at BEA.

  17. Everything Sucks totally rules. I got it from a girl in my dorm who wouldn't stop talking about it and i'm so glad she convinced me to get my own copy (she wouldn't even lend it!) It's hilarious and seriously well written and I can't believe how much I relate to everything. Awesome awesome awesome, and so is the trailer :)



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