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Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

Faithful by Janet Fox

Release Date: 5/13/2010

About the Book (from author's website):

In 1904 Margaret Bennet has it all – money, position, and an elegant family home in Newport, Rhode Island. But just as she is to enter society, her mother ruins everything, first with public displays, and finally by disappearing. Maggie’s confusion and loss are compounded when her father drags her to Yellowstone National Park, where he informs her that they will remain. At first Maggie’s only desire is to return to Newport. But the mystical beauty of the Yellowstone landscape, and the presence of young Tom Rowland, a boy unlike the others she has known, conspire to change Maggie from a spoiled girl willing to be constrained by society to a free-thinking and brave young woman living in a romantic landscape at the threshold of a new century.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: This one just sound great all around-and I really like historical romance. The synopsis reminds me somewhat of A Nothern Light and Hattie Big Sky, (I'm not really sure why-I think it's the girl coming into her own storyline) both of which I loved so I'm very eager to pick this book up in May!


  1. I have the ARC but haven't gotten a chance to read it yet. It does look very good though!

  2. I love historical fiction too and I think this will be very interesting because of the unusual setting at Yellowstone. Sounds like a fantastic book.

  3. The cover is very striking. I love reading historical romances as well, so this one will be going on my TBR list.

  4. I'm late to comment on this but I cannot WAIT for this book. I love historicals too and this cover nearly made me fall over with a case of coverswoon :) I read Hattie Big Sky this year and thought it was gorgeous. Can't wait for Faithful. Thanks for sharing this!


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