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ALA Update #1

It's been a busy time at ALA which means not as much time for blogging. But I'm having a blast and I thought I'd share some of my highlights so far:

-Visiting the Young Reader's Room at the Library of Congress. And yes, they had Hunger Games and Catching Fire on display, as well as five versions of Harry Potter and the Order and the Phoenix, including a set in Braille!

-Blogger breakfast with Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl-these two are super sweet and nice and they love bloggers! They're hoping to do lots of blogger outreach at every tour stop, so be sure to keep at eye for their tour stops and events.

-Hanging out with my librarian friends Drea and Katie-they rock and are fellow teen librarians who also have book blogs you should check out!

-Being the first person to purchase the Nathan Fillion READ poster. Apparently this news was enough to make the ALA flickr account, which I find flattering and also a little embarassing! I can't wait to take this back to my office and decorate my front door (with the poster of course, not my picture)

-Committee meeting for Fabulous Films for Young Adults. Oh my goodness you guys, do I have a long list of movies to watch! But it's a great list-and we still want more! (I know, we're crazy!) So nominate your flims for Fabulous Films for Young Adults!

-Networking, networking, networking! I love talking books and meeting other librarians, so ALA is always a ton of fun because I get to meet other people who do what I do and love it as much as I do. It's great!


  1. The Young Reader room sounds great.

  2. Sounds like you've been having an awesome time! Can't wait to go tomorrow. :D

  3. sounds fun, looking forward to seeing what books you get!

  4. Ahhh! I am so envious that you are there! Sounds like you are having a fabulous time :)

  5. Nathan Fillion for the win!

  6. Nathan Fillion for the win!

  7. That flickr pic of you looks so cute!

  8. -Jealousy-
    That all sounds so fun. Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl especially--I love their book.

  9. Way jealous of your Nathan Fillion poster! I met him at DragonCon two years ago and he is the nicest guy! I have to order one soon!

  10. I'd love to meet Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.

  11. Look at you all awesome with your Nathan Fillion READ poster! Not a thing about that should be embarrasing :)


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