GBTQ: Deception is your first novel for young adults. How did you decide to write for YA?
LN: I originally conceived of Deception as an adult novel, but kept making the main character younger and younger until I realized I really wanted to write a YA novel. I love what's happening in YA right now, it's a really exciting place to be.
GBTQ: Do you believe in ghosts?
LN: Not in the way that I imagined them here, but I do believe places and things can feel like they're haunted by the spirits of previous occupants or owners.
GBTQ: Emma has a lot of different powers as a ghostkeeper-what power of hers would you want?
LN: Communicating would obviously be the best. I'd just want to talk to them.
GBTQ: What books are currently on your nightstand to be read?
Unfortunately, I can't afford to buy every book I read, which is why I love libraries. Just went yesterday and brought home American Wife, by Curtis Sittenfeld, Kissing Games of the World by Sandi Kahn Shelton and Very LeFreak by Rachel Cohn--I'll probably read this one first.
Enjoy your books Lee-and thanks for stopping by-I love authors who love their libraries!:)
Check out Lee Nichols' first young adult novel, Deception!
Good luck Lee. I've heard great things about your book. I can't wait to read it. And I love libraries too for the same reason as you.