Genre: Contemporary/Fantasy
Release Date: 5/25/2010
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Other books in series: Eyes Like Stars
About the Book: Bertie and company are traveling from the Theatre in order to save the pirate Nate from the sea goddess who kidnapped him. Bertie is a mistress of tales and can write the company's story, but her words don't always work out the way she plans and the journey takes many unexpected twists. Ariel travels with Bertie and occupies her days, while Nate takes up her dreams at night. Will Bertie be able to save Nate and the company? And who will Bertie's heart choose?
GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I absolutely loved the first book in this series, Eyes Like Stars, so I couldn't wait to read this one.
Perchance to Dream brings the return of the characters that made Eyes Like Stars so wonderful-Bertie, Ariel, Nate and the fairies are all there, and there's an addition of some new characters that add to the story. Lisa Mantchev's beautiful writing is there and she again weaves a magical story. I was worried with Nate being kidnapped we wouldn't see him much, but I was happily surprised that Nate appeared more than I thought he would (and I totally call dibs on Nate-love him-I'm Team Nate for sure!) There's an addition of a Cirque du Soleil inspired circus that Bertie and company travel with and I wish we could have spent more time with them-they were my favorite part!
I didn't really like that this whole book took place outside of the Theatre-I found myself confused at parts because I was unfamiliar with the setting. The company's travels jumped around a lot too, which wasn't always easy to follow. There's some background, but this one picks up right at the end of the first book without a lot of recap, so it would probably be helpful to re-read Eyes Like Stars before reading this one. There were also a few characters that were thrown in and not given as much development as I would have liked (one a very important character for Bertie and her story). Sadly, I guess I just felt somewhat lost during the first half of the book.
There's also a lot of set-up for book three and this is very much a place holder before the big finale of book three. I do think Ms. Mantchev is a talented author and she writes some very funny scenes that had me laughing out loud! This one just did not live up to the hype I had build up for it. I'm hoping Bertie and company return to the Theatre where I think they truly shine and I hope they have the big fantastic ending they deserve. (And go Team Nate!)
Full Disclosure: Reviewed from ARC sent by publisher
I agree. I liked it but it was too frentic in places.
ReplyDeleteI'm reading this one now! I'm about halfway through, but so far, I actually like it better than Eyes Like Stars. And yay Nate! Lol. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's like being inside a spinning top but I liked that it was a departure from ELS. Really wish there was more info on the parentage stuff but I suspect that will come in the third. Great review.
ReplyDeleteGuys please answer me
ReplyDeleteon this one! I don't have enough money to buy "perchance to dream" but I read an "alternate ending" and
it said that the one-and-only Nate was
Bertie's dad, please tell me it was only the Internet lying!!!!
Hey Anon-
ReplyDeleteUgh-that'd be a terrible storyline! Not to worry-Nate is still Nate, not Bertie's Dad. There is a father in the book, but it's not Nate.