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13 District Mockingjay Tour: District 4

Hello and welcome to District Four. I'm sorry that Finnick isn't here to be your host. I know as a member of District Four I should be cheering for my own tribute, but after watching the last two Hunger Games play out I have fallen in love with Peeta Mellark!

Why do I love Peeta? He's smart, he's funny, and he's charming. He stands up for what he believes, he's loyal and he's not afraid to do what's right. He's sensitive and caring but can also be strong and kick butt. He fights for Katniss and with Katniss. Peeta is a great diplomat and he knows how to bring people together. He can also be sneaky to get what he wants. Plus, did I mention he can bake? And he's hot!!

But it's not just me! We have an underground club of sorts here in District Four-Seafaring Librarians for Peeta! Here's what some of our members had to say about their love for Peeta:
-Team Peeta!! I love their relationship because they balance each other perfectly. Where she is rough and tough, he is soft and gentle. Where she uses her head, he uses his heart. Peeta puts others' first but he's also a strategist and knows when to fight. Their personalities compliment each other very well, and you can tell with Suzanne's wonderful writing.-A

Team Peeta Rocks! Peeta is a bred-in-the-bone hero and a great match for Katniss. He shows grace and courage under fire, yet he is unafraid to reveal his tender side. Sometimes it seems as if he knows Katniss better than she does herself. His heart is honest and true.

Peeta is intelligent and strong enough to smooth some of Katniss's rougher edges. He's selfless despite being a fierce competitor. His love for Katniss has no bounds, and you know he would gladly die for her. And did I mention he can cook?
What more could you ask for?-C

Have we convinced you yet?:)

Ok, so even if you're not Team Peeta, I still have a great giveaway!

One lucky winner will receive this Exclusive Mockingjay hooded sweatshirt!
-Open to US addresses only
-Contest ends August 16

To enter, all you have to do is fill out this simple form with your and e-mail! No bonus points, no extra questions and only one entry per person!!

Also, please leave a comment and let me know if you're Team Peeta or Team Gale (or maybe Team Katniss or Team Finnick!)

Check out The Official Hunger Games Fan Page on Facebook

Don't forget to follow the tour to Dear Author!

Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.


  1. Definitely Team Peeta! Thanks for the contest!

  2. I'm a guy so I'm not really on a team, but if I had to choose, Team Peeta.

  3. Totally Team Peeta without a doubt. BOY WITH THE BREAD!!!

  4. Team Cinna. The only sane person in Panem.
    Great contest! And thank you, thank you, thank you for not having a million extra entries! I hate that!

  5. Team Caesar! The absolute king of guyshadow!

  6. I'm a newbie fan of your blog - hello! I'm totally Team Peeta!

  7. It's funny-I was Team Peeta upon my first reading of the books, but now I"m Team Gale

  8. Team Finnick.

    (Which is good that Katniss seems to like Peeta or Gale, so she wouldn't fight me for him.)

  9. I'm Team Gale all the way!

  10. Team Katniss!

    I like both Peeta and Gale and I know they both like Katniss, but I don't thinks she's that into either of them! She's way too focused on surviving and helping her family-- she doesn't have the time to deal with boy antics!

  11. I'm definitely Team Peeta- no convincing required!

  12. I love Peeta and Gale, but if I HAVE to choose, I choose Peeta!

    Never have I seen such a pure hearted, devoted man! What a beautiful picture of the love he shows.

    But I do have to say, I have a thing for Cinna. Something about him is handsome and mysterious. He's honest and open, but as he said, he puts his emotions into his work so that he won't harm anyone but himself. *Sigh* How sweet!

  13. Team Katniss (; because I can't decide between Peeta and Gale yet <3

  14. Team Peeta! He's been there for Katniss when Gale wasn't.

  15. Team Gale ... Team Peeta ... Team Gale ... Team Peeta ... Yeah, that's how reading went, though I think I'm Team Gale right now :)


  17. I do love Peeta - he is so upstanding even when he is not. There is always an air of nobility to his acts. Still I would say I anti-capitol and not on anyone's team except that of humanity.

  18. Oh it's so hard to decide! I don't think I can commit to one just yet.

  19. Team peeta if i win that sweatshirt my friends will be jelouse we all luv hunger games

  20. I used to be Team Gale until the second book... And I realized that Peeta's character is so much better developed than Gale's, so I'm a full-fledged Team Peeta member now!

  21. GO Katniss!! She's a strong brave woman who does what is best for her family and friends.

  22. Team Katniss, definitely! Even though I love Peeta, I don't think Katniss has quite decided for herself yet. I just want her to survive and continue to be strong. :)

  23. Both the guys, Peeta and Gale, seem really focused and selfless so it'd be a hard choice. I really see one of them getting killed for Katniss, but I sure hope not. I think it should be one for her and one for Madge, or else I just get both the guys! LOL! Thank you for the contest and I'll see everyone at the next discrict!

  24. Team Peeta. he's a sweetheaart and exactally what Katniss needs. :)

  25. Team Gale for Katniss, but Peeta is my favorite character. I think he deserves someone who can love him fully, and Katniss's heart leans just the tiniest bit more in Gale's direction than his.

  26. Well I am team Rue, but since Rue will not be in the next book Team Katniss it is!!

    She is smart, cunning and does what she needs to. No whining or complaining just out to survive andtry and take care of her family!!

  27. Team Peeta!!!! he is amazing in the hunger games! instead of just killing people off he actually thinks before he acts! he is always there for Katniss and if Katniss is stubborn he will fight with Katniss and stand by her side no matter wat!!

  28. Team Katniss, really she's the one to count on. Love Peeta, I really do, but Katniss all the way.

  29. Team Peeta--I think he's so sweet

  30. I'm team Cinna! he's kind to Katniss and isn't afraid to rebel in the best way he can, Clothes! Cinna let's Katniss reveal her true feelings when she's upset and worried. who wouldn't be team Cinna. Especially since he was beaten right in front of Katniss after he made his stunt with the Mockingjay dress. TEAM CINNA ALL THE WAY!!!!!

  31. Team Katniss! Whoever she chooses is good enough for me :)

  32. Love everybody in the book. From Gale to Katniss to Peeta to Cinna even to mean old Haymitch! Hahaha. Exept for President Snow and all the people who make the Hunger Games.

  33. Sorry guys... Team Gale, all the way! Just wait until Mockingjay. I bet it's aaaallll Gale!

  34. I have to admit that I am Team Gale. But that doesn't stop me from loving Peeta or believing that he really is, as Katniss would put it, "the best of them." I think what I love about Peeta is that he is the all around good guy, he refuses to let the Capitol change him or his morals. I couldn't agree with Katniss more that the revolution not only needs her as the symbol... But they need Peeta because he really can move people with his words.

    But I also adore Gale and now that we got to know a bit more of him in Catching Fire... I can't help but view him and Katniss together. I am all for Gale myself, maybe because I'm a bit of a revolutionary like him :)

    But I will say this... I view Peeta as the heart in this entire series. He is the one that you want to root for but I just have this horrible sinking feeling with him having been capture by the capitol that something bad is going to happen. I mean... argh, it makes me so mad... But I can't help but think of the saying "The good always die young." It would break my heart and I'm hoping that doesn't happen to Peeta, but I can't even begin to try and guess what Collins will write. She always. ALWAYS surprises me.

  35. I'm Team Peeta! He's so sweet!

    I have finally found my friends (:
    I love Peeta, basically because he refuses to give up (:
    and I mean I love Gale and all and I love what a good friend he has been along the way. BUT Hello (:
    Peeta is lovely (:
    maybe katniss will see that too (:

  37. Team peeta!!! Gale should date Madge and see her for the sweet person she is and leave Peeta to Katniss. P was willing to die for his secret love. He's just too perfect for her.

  38. I love Katniss because she's willing to put her life on the line to protect her family and friends, she is strong, independent, and once she's made up her mind there's no turning back. She fights for what she believes, no matter the consequences. Ultimately, when something is the right thing to do, she does it.

  39. Team GALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Team whichever guy Katniss doesn't end up with!

  41. Why U.S. residents only? I want that sweatshirt too :(

  42. Between Team Peeta or Team Gale, I am Team Peeta. But I think over all I am Team Katniss. :)

  43. Wow, all the Team Peeta's here! Guess I'm in the minority--Team Gale all the way :)

  44. Team Finnick all the way!!! He's hot, he protected Katniss and Peeta with his life, and he is sensitive. Peeta wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for Finnick, he would have gotten zapped by the force field and died. But Finnick brought him back to life. When Mags died, he was heartbroken and cried all night. Also, when Katniss and Finnick were stuck with the jabberjays, it showed his love for Annie and no one else. Finnick completely broke down. I know how some people feel about him because I hated Finnick at first, but at the end of the book when they are in the District 13 hovercraft,you see Finnick's true colors. Like him keeping Katniss and Peeta alive and his love for Annie by trying to save her.

  45. I can't decide between Team Peeta or Team Gale... But on the side, definitely Team Finnick ;)

  46. Even though I adore Peeta, Gale has been there with Katniss since the beginning. Although if she does end up with Peeta I know he'll also be good to her so I guess I'm team Katniss =)[but Gale is my crush<3 lol]

  47. thanks for the great contest...!! add me to Team Peeta... :)

  48. Definitely Team Peeta!! Love the contest <3

  49. Team Gale all the way!!! I hope he's in Mockingjay a lot more!!!

  50. I pretty much hate the term "team" so I'll just say I'm for Gale. Because I hate Peeta.

  51. Can I be Team Haymitch? Not as Katniss' boyfriend, but as my favorite character in general? I will be most upset if he dies in Mockingjay.

  52. Peeta all the way <333 I just love him! lol :)

  53. Team Peeta always and forever!! :)

  54. I'm team Katniss.
    Katniss is like the slayer, she can be surrounded by people but she's ultimately alone.
    Plus, all relationships are doomed in their situations....

  55. I'm Team Peeta!

    Also, my laptop messed up when I filled out the form and said that it couldn't load the page, so I don't know if I actually entered or not. Hopefully, it worked.

  56. I love Peeta, but I'm also intrigued by Finnick. Who is he really? Not the Capitol boy toy he portrays himself as and I can't wait to find out in Mockingjay!

  57. I'm absolutely Team Cinna! Way to stick it to the man Cinna! I hope you're still alive!

  58. Team Peeta definately! He's so strong and brave, but gentle at heart. I agree with everything you said! Katniss doesn't even deserve him, but he loves her so much. Peeta is so nobile and sweet. I think Katniss should be with Peeta, and Madge should be with Gale. In Catching fire, you could tell that Madge really liked Gale, so at least that would take him out of the picture!(:

    Team PEETA!

  59. Team Katniss! She'll figure it out eventually (but if it was ME, I'd be Team Peeta all the way!).

  60. Ack - I go back and forth between Peeta and Gale... but I'm definitely on Team Cinna. :)

  61. I almost hate to pick a 'team' but I do think Katniss will end up with Peeta. They have gone through too much together which will always bond them. Of course, Gale will be a huge part of the resistance, and he is awesome, but I think their bond is different: true friendship, which is also invaluable.

  62. Team Peeta for sure!

  63. I'm Team Peeta! But I wonder if it's just because we've seen Peeta more than we've seen Gale?

  64. Team Katniss! She'll chose the right one for her.

  65. Couldn't help falling for Peeta! Team Peeta!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Go Team Katniss!!

  68. I like Gale and Peeta, but Peeta and Katniss are just so perfect for each other. So I guess Team Peeta. (But I don't really like picking teams like this is Twilight or something.)

  69. Team Peeta...I think. I'm not positive though. Maybe team Gale. haha. I love them both and will be happy if they both survive!

  70. TEAM GALE!!! My whole family is team Gale! WOO!

  71. Totally team Peeta!!! Okay well you do have to love Gale, but since Katniss and already have such a strong relationship from survivng 2 Hunger Games together, I think Gale might die fighting in the rebellion or something like that in Mockingjay.

  72. Team Gale all the way! I don't understand all the Peeta love.

  73. TEAM GALE!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Gale he's strong and refuses to follow the insane rules the Capitol has made. Plus he can HUNT! He would do anything to help his family have enough food.

    Now Peeta isn't bad either and i guess i wouldn't die if Katniss chose him but if i had a choice i would choose Gale.

  74. Peeta! Cinna! Finnick!
    And, always Team Katniss.

  75. I'm team Katniss because really it is her decision and I will love whatever happens.

  76. Is there any team OTHER than Team Peeta?

  77. Team Peeta. But if the capital ends up killing peeta </3 T_T I'd be team Finnick. Gale seems like an ass.

  78. Team Peeta!!! I think I would give Gale more of a consideration if he got some more book time. I just feel like I know (and love) Peeta so much better! Of course, whoever Katniss chooses is alright by me :)

  79. It is hard to choose between Peeta and Gale. Gale knows who Katniss was before the Games- he's hunted and suffered with her in District 12. He would be an important reminder of who she once was. Peeta, on the other hand, was with her while her world was turned upside down during the Games. He shared the life changing experience of the Games with her, and therefore shares a unique bond with her.

  80. I am definitely Team Peeta but I like to joke around with being Team Finnick. He's pretty awesome. :)

  81. Team Gale.

    Peeta's not a bad guy, in fact, he's a great guy. I can't dispute anything you've said about how wonderful he is--here's the problem, Katniss and Gale are meant to be.

    Francesca Johnson had a good life on the farm and her husband, Richard, was good to her, loved her, gave her a nice life, two wonderful kids, but it was Robert Kincaid who she was meant for. Same for Katniss. Peeta would be true to her to his dying day, but so would Gale and it's Gale who sets of the bells and whistles.

  82. At first I was Gale....Then I became Peeta...During the 2nd book, I was gale again..I'm still leaning a bit more toward Team Peeta..but that might change during the 3rd book...Suzanne Collins Does that to you!

    BTW...It's funny cuz my name is Katniss too!

  83. Teams Peeta, Cinna, Finnick, and Haymitch in that order.

  84. I believe I need to be team katniss because I most look forward to the ride of Mockingjay and just letting it all play out.

  85. Team both! I like Gale and Peeta. :D

  86. "When I wake, I have a brief, delicious feeling of happiness that is somehow connected with Peeta." ~ 'nuf said

  87. I am 100% Team Peeta! He's amazing. He loves Katniss with his whole heart. He would do anything for her. When he gave her the Mockingjay locket tears where falling. He does what's right even if he could get in trouble like giving her the bread after her father's death. He knows the right thing to say to bring Katniss home from the games. Like telling the country he loves her and they got married in secert. He's such a good guy. He would kill himself if it would protect Katniss.

  88. Team Gale. Peeta's almost too perfect. He's an amazing friend and he's always there for her, but I honestly could never see them as anything other than friends when they're not acting. Gale, on the other hand is just plain amazing. He's been there for Katniss ever since they met, he's gone through all of the same hardships as Katniss, besides of course, being in the Games, and he's just awesome. You can feel the chemistry between them. :)


  90. Team Peeta all the way baby!
    No actually I didnt like him at first but I was swayed to the team before the end of the first book, and by book 2 there was no turning back.

  91. Totally Team Peeta!!! Great post and thanks for the contest!

  92. Definitely Team Peeta, I am a hopeless romantic at heart

  93. I have to say that I adore Peeta, but I think Gale is way better for Katniss.

  94. Team Peeta FTW! And then Team Finnick hehehe

  95. Team Katniss (with a side of Peeta)!

  96. I think I would have to say that I'm Team Katniss. She's a fighter, even though she can be oblivious to everything around her and she tends to be very self centered.

  97. Mos def, Team Peeta!

  98. Well i have to say i am team rue all the way, well for one she helped save katniss's life and made such impression on me and when she died it was the most deppressing thing. any way thanks for the contest

  99. Teem Peeta because it is pretty obvious why.

  100. Team Peeta! Who doesn't like a guy who can bake?

  101. it's not hard to convince an already team peeta member ;-D

  102. Team Gale! I always fall for the dark and brooding types!

  103. I like Peeta as a romantic match for Katniss better than Gale, but I'm not convinced she'll wind up with anyone, or that all three of them will survive (I definitely don't think all three of them will survive, I'm just not sure who is going down and who will make it out.)

  104. Team Cinna!

    He risked so much for Katniss!

  105. I'm on both Team.

    i love both the guys and i also love Katniss and Cinna

  106. I don't know! I'm half Team Peeta, half Team Gale.... Maybe Team Cinna,maybe Team Katniss.... Augh! This is so complicated (but in a good way, of course)!

  107. Team Peeta! I want who's best for Katniss!

  108. Team Cinna! I like men who are into the arts.

  109. I think Peeta is awsome but I believe Gales is the rightful man for Katniss's heart. Peeta is trying to win her over by good works and hisobsession with her, but Gale already owns her heart and always will.

  110. I don't understand you guys at all! :) TEAM GALE all the way!

  111. i love all of the caracters in The Hunger Games...but if i HAD to choose... i would without a doubt deffinately be Team Katniss. <3 i love how brave she is and she just is probably truly the best character. even though she is like undecided sometimes,shes still great.

  112. i think gale most definitaly when peeta and katniss are not acting they are just really good friends and it seems like she likes gale just a little more but really i just hope they all survive!!!!!!!!!!

  113. Team Peeta for sure!

  114. Definitely team Gale!!!!! How could so many of you be team Peeta?!? Katniss had to save him multiple times! And Gale can take care of himself! Katniss and Gale have been through so much more then her and Peeta, and besides, hes just a baker whats so special about that?

  115. Team Peeta! After Catching Fire, I almost switched to Team Gale but I'm really Team Peeta.

  116. I think that they are all just going mess with the establishment and no one is going to have to die! There is no way I can pick a team... She loves Gale but Peeta has helped her survive and and and and........ gosh i love this series.

  117. Team Gale! He really knows Katniss for who she is. Peeta is a remarkable character but it's Gale who she's had the time to truly get to know. It seems to me that she only has feelings of obligation towards Peeta.

  118. I don't really know. Why are we starting a Twilight thing here. But if I must, between Gale and Peeta, I guess I choose Peeta. Peeta has stood by her the entire time, but Gale has given up on her sometimes when he saw her with Peeta. But I guess, could I blame him? I don't know, I really would prefer to just read the book instead of making predictions.

  119. Team Peeta and Katniss!

  120. As much as I do like Peeta (he's such a sweetheart), I am on Team Gale in terms of Katniss' heart, but am Team Katniss for putting an end to t he Capitol and the Games!

  121. Team Peeta and Katniss! Peeta ha sbeen in love with Katniss almost his WHOLE LIFE! Gale was still undecided until Catching Fire! Katniss may say shes not in love with Peeta, BUT SHE IS!!!! SO Team Peeta and Katniss DEFINATELY!<3

  122. I am Team Peeta all the way, though my husband, who's only heard about the books, votes for Gale.

  123. Team Peeta! I love him and I wish he was real instead of being a fictional character. :)

  124. TEAM WHAT?
    (I can't escape Twilight!)

    No offense, but I find that the whole 'team' concept doesn't really work for the Hunger Games. It was cool with Twilight because the whole book was about choosing between the two guys and Bella really liked both of them, but the Hunger Games is about so much more than a girl choosing between two guys!
    Besides, Katniss has a lot of other things to worry about and she hasn't even had time to care about which one she loves more.
    ANYBODY agree with me?

    (Team Katniss by the way :D )

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. My first comment screwed up, so I'll try again. I am so Team Peeta it is ridiculous! I like Gale too, but Peeta is such a sweetheart.

  127. Even though she's clueless, I'm supporting Katniss! She's strong, she's smart and she's our Mockingjay

  128. I love them all! I guess if I had to choose, I'd be team Peeta.

  129. I admire all the rebels in these books for many reasons, similar and different... so rather than arguing which guy is better for Katniss, etc... I'd say I'm Team Rebel!

  130. Team Peeta! No, Team Gale! No... I don't know!!

  131. This is complicated. Both of them are genrally good guys, and I love both of them. I've been off and on. Peeta is loving, caring, so selfless. He even chose to die so Katniss could marry Gale. But Gale seems to not been mentioned as much as I would like, he's a lot like Peeta, except a tougher version, he helps support Katniss and her family, would do anything to protect her AND her family. I know some people think that kissing Katniss after the Games just to get attention, but I think it was a plee of help. The love of his life slipping through his fingers. I also think that he didn't know how much he loved her till she was gone. That's how everybody is. You don't realize how much you love your dog until it dies. That's with Gale and Katniss, so I'm obviously Team Gale.

  132. I like them both but ultimately, I'm team Gale! :0)

  133. Team All of them!

  134. I'm definitely Team Katniss!

  135. Team Peeta! Hot, caring, sensitive, witty, kind, has a pure heart and can bake! What more could you want in a guy?!


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