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Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Genre: Paranormal

Release Date: 3/2/2010

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About the Book: Sophie Mercer is different. No, really-she's different. She's a teen witch, and not in a Sabrina the Teenage Witch sort of way. Sophie's a teen witch without any training, so when a love spell at prom goes terribly wrong, Sophie is sent to Hex Hall, a boarding school for deliquent Prodigium (fairies, werewolves, witches, and oh yeah, one vampire roommate). During her first day, Sophie makes enemies with a dark coven of witches finds out her roommate was accused of killing the coven's fourth member last year. When Sophie learns that a mysterious creature is still roaming the halls, it's up to her to prove her roommate is innocent.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: If Harry Potter married Samantha from Bewitched and had a chick lit baby, with a smidge of A Great and Terrible Beauty, and a dash of Nancy Drew’s mystery solving, you would get Hex Hall. Interested? Hex Hall is the perfect example of why I love the blogosphere. The book looked cool, but then when I started seeing rave reviews of this one, I knew I had to pick it up and I'm so glad I did. Yes, Hex Hall is paranormal, but it's a great mix of mystery and a lighter take on the paranormal theme that I found it refreshing.

Sophie is a lot of fun and I really liked her voice. She's a bit sarcastic, which I always love, and she's got a great sense of humor. OK, there were a couple of things I thought she could have figured out a little sooner, but hey, she's still working on her detective skills. There were some twists that Ms. Hawkins threw in that surprised me which always makes for an interesting read-I love when I come across something unexpected and Ms. Hawkins pulls it off nicely.

This is a first book in a series which means the ending doesn't wrap up everything and leaves a lot of things unanswered. But I did like the fact that the main mystery that takes place is wrapped up, so at least there's some closure. I can see Hex Hall having appeal to paranormal and non-paranormal fans alike because this isn't a teen angst paranormal, but a light mystery that happens to take place in a boarding school filled with paranormals. I can't wait to read the next book in the series and see where Sophie's adventures take me next.

Book Pairings: Sorcery and Cecelia by Patricia Wrede, The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett, Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Full Dislosure: Reviewed from final copy I purchase with my hard earned librarian money


  1. Definitely need to read this book!! adding to my Goodreads :)

  2. Great review. I read the book and totally agree with your comments. I can't wait to read the sequel.

  3. I loved this book. it had interesting and fun characters, a good plot and it wasn't so over the top with the paranormal aspect. Really a great read! I'm excited for the next one to see where the story goes.


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