Rating: 4/5 Stars
Genre: Historical Mystery/Ghost Story
Release Date: 6/21/11
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About the Book: Violet Willoughby has grown up around spirits. Or at least pretending to see spirits. Her mother is one of the most famous spiritualists, but Violet knows it's all a sham. Until the day Violet starts to ghosts herself. While visiting the estate of a wealthy Lord for a spiritualist performance, a very persistence ghost appears and needs Violet's help. Her drowning accident a year before was anything but an accident and Violet is in danger. Violet may not believe in ghosts, but they believe in her.
GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: If you're looking for a good historical ghost story, add Haunting Violet to your reading pile!
Violet is an engaging character who I liked from the very beginning. I think what I liked most was her distrust in ghosts and spiritualists. For me, this made her a more interesting character because of the transformation she has to go to as she accepts her abilities after long believing spiritualism is fake. Violet's navigation of this new ability and new world gave the book an extra layer which I really appreciated. Violet is funny and smart and she loves to read-what's not to like about her?
Violet is surrounded by a fun cast of characters. At times there were a little too many to keep track of, but the main supporting characters I fell in love with. Violet's best friend Elizabeth is hilarious and charming and accepting of Violet no matter what. Colin is Violet's potential love interest, but they can't be together because he is poor and Voilet and her mother are trying to break into society and peerage keeps them apart.
The mystery kept me reading and guessing and the large cast of characters gave readers a large list of suspects to pick from. While the book can stand alone, but I would be happy to read more of Violet's ghost hunting and mystery solving. A great pick for readers looking for a ghost story and mystery.
Book Parings: We Hear The Dead by Dianne Salerni, Magic Under Glass by Jaclyn Dolamore
Full Disclosure: Reviewed from ARC picked up at ALA
I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I struggled with it. I couldn't quite connect to any of the characters. The plot was interesting but I just didn't feel it.