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2011 Holiday Reading Challenge

It's that time of year!! The holidays are upon us and there is nothing I love more than reading holiday themed books! Every year I try to find some holiday books (I especially love holiday romances!) so I thought I would share the fun in challenge form.

Here are the challenge rules:

-Challenge will begin November 21 and end December 31.

-There are three levels to the challenge:
        -Rudolph-Read 1-4 Holiday Themed Books
        -Buddy the Elf-Read 5-9 Holiday Themed Books
        -Santa Claus-Read 10+ Holiday Themed Books

-Books read must be holiday themed-(Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc) and can be directly related to the holidays (i.e. 'Twas the Night Before Christmas) or set around the holidays (i.e. Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor)

-Books can be any format (hardcover, paperback, ebook, audiobook, graphic novel/comic, etc)

-Childrens, YA and Adult titles count. Yes, picture books will count for this challenge! I have some go-to picture books I always read around this time of year! Which means...

-Re-reads are allowed! As is overlap with other reading challenges.

-Extra Credit Level!
    Mrs. Claus-Watch any number of Holiday Themed movies and post about them

-Prizes!! Yes, there will be prizes! One entry for every link you include on the challenge linky. Prizes will be awarded throughout the challenge (candy and books!) and the grand prize is a book of your choice (up to $10) from the Book Depository.

Sign up by linking your challenge post below. Happy Holiday Reading!!


  1. Sounds like fun (even though I do not need another challenge;-)! But, I've had X-Mas and Dash and Lily on my tbr pile forever and this will give me a good excuse to move them up.

    I think I will shoot for Buddy the Elf.

    Thanks! I'll post about the challenge too.


  2. Brenda-I'm hoping this will get me to finally read all those Christmas books in my TBR pile!!

  3. LOVE the Buddy the Elf level. Good call!

  4. This sounds like fun! I love reading holiday books, especially Let It Snow.

    Do you have any other recommendations?

  5. Thanks Sarah!:) It was my husband's idea!

    Steph-Yes, I'm working on making a post of suggestions!

  6. As we approach the holiday season, I have been thinking about how we share our love of reading with others. I have posted my thoughts at

  7. Love a good challenge, especially around the holidays! It keeps me from getting all unfocused. I'm going for Buddy the Elf and my challenge post is up!

  8. I think I own at least 10 Holiday themed books already! This is going to be a fun challenge.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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