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My Reading/Blogging Resolutions

I'm terrible at making New Year's Resolutions for myself. I find it easier to make reading and blogging resolutions! Last year I made resolutions and did OK-here's where I ended up:

2011 Resolutions

1. Read 200 (or more) books in the year.-If you count all the picture books I read, I made this goal and surpassed it with 446 books total. But if you count only chapter books, graphic novels, audiobooks, etc. I only made it to 163. Finishing grad school and taking a new job really took a toll on my reading! But hey, 163 books in one year isn't bad!

2. Read the ALA Youth Media Award books-I was closer this year than I have been other years! I read all the Caldecotts, only missed Heart of a Samurai for Newbery, and didnā€™t read Nothing from the Printz list-it just sounds so depressing, I can't bring myself to read it.

3. Post more blog posts that encourage discussion-I think I did an OK job on this one and Iā€™m going to try and keep it up next year.

4. Write my reviews sooner (like shortly after I read the book!) and schedule my posts so I'm not scrambling to write something mid-week.-Totally failed! Will try again next year!:)

5. Read and review some oldies but goodies.- This I did just because I ended up reading a lot of past titles this year for the Gateway committee.

6. Comment on more blog posts.-MAJORLY failed at this one! My blog reading fell a lot this year and I apologize to everyone that I havenā€™t been able to check it and read your posts as often. This is the resolution I really want to accomplish this year, so wish me luck!

OK, so now for my 2012 resolutions. I'm  not going to make as many, since I'll busy with committee work and I really hate that feeling of failing! But I still think it's good to make a few resolutions or goals for this year.

2012 Resolutions

1. Read 200 Books-with my committee work this year, this one shouldn't be a problem! I'm finally going to do it, I can feel it!:)

2. Read through my feedreader and comment more on blogs.-Taking on a new job and finishing school really took a toll on my reading and my blog reading. I've felt so disconnected from the blogging world, but I'm hoping to check in more this year!

3. Write more posts about library programs, booklists, and general library musings. Also start writing posts about storytimes and picture books.-Since I'm a Youth Services Manager, I oversee both children's and teen programs and I do weekly storytimes. I'd like to start including both childrens and teen programs on my blog.

Do you make reading/blogging resolutions? What are your goals for this year?ļ»æ


  1. Good luck with the resolutions AND Printz! I look forward to your success!

  2. Love this year's goal #3! I'm alwats on the hunt for libary programming inspiration.

  3. Carrie-Thanks! I feel a little crazy for making resolutions, so I tried to keep them easy and doable with Printz. :)

    Katie-Me too-I always love finding cool new ideas. Plus, library programming is so fun to talk about!:)

  4. Wow. 168 books is astounding. If I get to 1/4 of that with work and grad school, I consider myself lucky!

  5. My resolution is just to be more consistent when I post, even just a few times a week. But, I want to have fun this year and read more of the books that I want, scale down on some of the challenges I join, but then also host a challenge (well, really a project) as well. But, to primarily just have fun!

    Good luck with your resolutions, and here's to another year reading and blogging with you! :)

  6. That's a lot of books!! I only made it to 41 last year, with a goal of 50. This year I'm shooting for 45. Maybe I should read some picture books to bring my numbers up??? ;)

    Good luck with your goals!!!

  7. Great list of resolutions! I look forward to reading more about your library programs and such.

    I so empathize with your resolution from last year about writing book reviews right after finishing the book. I'm BAD at that!

  8. I'd love to be able to hear about your Printz experience a bit this year! Not any book decisions but just how it's going for you.

  9. Shauna-Yes, it is a lot. I honestly don't know how I did it (my husband would say it's because I have an amazing husband who lets me read all the time!;)

    Natalie-Me too. I try to post every day, but that is a lot of work, especially if I haven't scheduled my posts in advance. I think as long as you are consistant it doesn't have to be every day. I've found blogs that update MWF and you know those are their days and that works too. Good luck!

    Kristin-Yes-reading picture books always makes me happy!:)

    Allison-It's so hard to write a review after reading the book, but I need to do it or at least take notes. I'm hoping committee work will get me into note taking mode more consistantly.

    Sarah-I'll see what I can do! I'm not sure how much I can post, but I know there are lots of readers who are interested in the basics of committee work.

  10. Wow! I wish you all the best in fulfilling your goals. My main goal is to finish my master's program and all of the books I have to read (and write) for that degree!

  11. LinWash-Good luck finishing school! I'm sure you can do it!:)

  12. Good luck with the 200 books. I'd do the same resolution but I just don't think I'd make it! I'm always stuck around 180 no matter how much I plan ;).

    Plus, I'm really looking forward to your library musings. I do posts like that myself and love reading other peoples. It's nice to get a more personal view of the life in the library.

    Good luck!

  13. My reading resolutions this year: 1.Read more "oldies but goodies"- the hot new titles don't need my help, they sell themselves.
    2.Read a variety of genres and formats (I am good at this already, so I will totally succeed here).
    3.Read it only if I enjoy it. No more struggling through only ok books!
    Also, I decided not to join any challenges this year. It feels weird. But, I kind of fell out of love with reading last year. It felt too much like work by the end of the year. This year is all about the joy of reading!

  14. For 2012, I want to be quicker at writing up my recommendations - sometimes that seems to take longer than it did for me to read the book!

    Since BooksYALove is a bookshelf-blog, I do need to get great books posted quickly so others can find these great reads beyond the bestsellers.

    And I want to add my middle grade & picture book recs to in a more timely manner. Barb Langridge is so sweet to let reviewers contribute to her site! (lately, I've sort of put my YA faves ahead of the others..)

    I think 200 books is a reachable goal, especially if you're on an awards committee!

  15. For 2012, I'm hoping to read 150 books. I've never tracked my reading goals before, so it should be interesting.

    200 books is impressive!


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