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Tween Tuesday: The Boy Project by Kami Kinard PLUS Interview and Giveaway

Tween Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted here at GreenBeanTeenQueen to highlight great reads for tweens. Join the fun and add your link below!

Rating: 3/5 Stars

Genre: Contemporary

Release Date: 1/1/2012

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About the Book: Kara Mcallister has noticed something in her middle school. All the girls have had boyfriends except her. Inspired by the scientific method, Kara decides to observe all the boys and figure out what it takes to get a boyfriend. But Kara's plan isn't that simple. In middle school, people and friendships can change daily, observations can take a turn, and an embarassing moment in the boys bathroom can ruin your reputation.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Ah, middle school. That crazy time when friendships change, relationships of true love last a day, and repuations mean everything. Middle school can be a very tough time and Kami Kinard captures that middle school voice and angst perfectly. Sure, Kara is a bit whiny about superficial things, but so are many middle schoolers who feel as though life may end if things don't go their way.

Kara is pretty boy crazy and most of the book revolves around her trying to get a boyfriend. Her ultimate catch is a bit predictable, but it's cute to watch them get there and have Kara figure out that first impressions aren't always correct.

There is also a well developed storyline with Kara having to deal with some mean girl bullies at school. Kara gains confidence to deal with them and learns to embrace her quirky crafty side instead of trying to fit in with the popular crowd. This is a great message for tween girls that comes across without being over the top and in your face. I think tween girls will relate.

I also really liked that Kara was a big reader and that she talks a lot about the books she's reading. Reading about what books Kara liked made my librarian heart happy! I love when authors sneak in books, especially newer popular books instead of the go to classics.

If you have tweens looking for books on romance and friendship, give them The Boy Project. They're sure to get a kick out of Kara's adventures!

Get to know Kami Kinard!

What made you want to be a writer?

I think I didnā€™t realize how powerful imaginations could be until I learned to read. Once I learned this skill, I started creating worlds with words. For me, it is both challenging and fulfilling to arrange words into stories. So I write. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever want to stop.

Did you ever embark on any boy project of your own in middle school?

No! I was far far too shy around boys for that! The most I ever did was to admire secretly, and from afar.

I was the same way! What advice do you have for tween girls that you wish you had known yourself as a tween?

That having a boyfriend in middle school is absolutely unimportant! It matters so little to who you become as an adult, that you completely forget that you wanted a boyā€™s attention way back in your tween years. When I read my old diaries, I was shocked to learn that I had cared so much about what boys thought! But reading them also opened my eyes to what my feelings had been at that point in my life. Karaā€™s feelings in THE BOY PROJECT reflect this and are realistic. But if I had a chance to sit down and talk with Kara, Iā€™d tell her not to worry, that sheā€™s a cool person, and if she likes herself, the right person will come along some day.

Great advice! What books are you looking forward to reading this year?

Ditched by Robin Mellom, Pretty Crooked by Elisa Ludwig, Chained by Lynne Kelly, and a lot of other titles forthcoming from The Apocalypsies.

Who is your book boy crush?

Wow, great question. And one Iā€™ve never been asked, so I really had to think about it because I donā€™t tend to think of book boys in this wayā€¦ but ever since I read THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins, Iā€™ve always been on Team Peeta!

Yay for Team Peeta! He's one of my book boy crushes too!

Want a win a copy of The Boy Project?
-Leave a comment below
-One entry per person
-Contest open to ages 13+
-Contest ends Tuesday Jan. 24
-US Address Only

Post your Tween Tuesday Links here!


  1. The cover of this book reminds me of the books that were being published when I was in middle school :) It sounds like such a sweet fun story. I'm especially interested to read it and find out which books are on Kara's reading list!

  2. This book sounds so interesting!

    I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a versatile blogger award:

  3. This sounds like a fun read! I will make sure to look and see if we have it in the collection.

  4. I enjoyed the interview with Kami and The Boy Project sounds like a good book for that hard to fit tween age reader.

  5. I have been seeing this one everywhere! Thanks so much for the chance to win!


  6. Sounds like a really great book for that age! And just a fun story.


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