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Mirror Mirror Prize Pack Giveaway

If you read GreenBeanTeenQueen, you know I love celebrating the movies! So of course I was thrilled when I found out about this awesome Mirror Mirror Prize Pack for my readers!

One lucky winner will receive:
-$25 Fandango Gift Card
-Mirror Mirror: The Movie Novel

Two lucky runner ups will receive:
-Mirror Mirror: The Movie Novel

Prizeing courtesy of Relativity Media

About the film: One of the most beloved stories of all time is coming to life in the motion picture event for the whole family, Mirror Mirror.  A fresh and funny retelling of the Snow White legend, Mirror Mirror features breakout star Lily Collins (The Blind Side) as Snow White, a princess in exile, and Oscar®-winner Julia Roberts as the evil Queen who ruthlessly rules her captured kingdom. Seven courageous rebel dwarfs join forces with Snow White as she fights to reclaim her birthright and win her Prince in this magical comedy filled with jealousy, romance, and betrayal that will capture the hearts and imaginations of audiences the world over.  The film also stars Armie Hammer (The Social Network) as the Prince, and Nathan Lane (The Birdcage) as the hapless and bungling servant to the Queen.

Rated PG
Here are the giveaway rules:

-Open to US mailing addresses only
-Ages 13+
-Contest ends Friday April 13 at midnight CT
-One entry per person

Want to enter? Leave a comment below with your favorite fairy tale! Good luck! :)


  1. No offense to Snow White (*g*), but my all-time favorite fairy tale is Sleeping Beauty.

  2. Stacy glavi47@yahoo.comApril 6, 2012 at 8:18 AM

    Cinderella, of course :)

  3. My favorite fairy tale is the Little Mermaid - the Hans Christian Anderson version!

  4. Beauty and the Beast!

  5. My favorite fairy tale is Sleepy Beauty. I used to watch it over and over as a child.


  6. Thanks for the giveaway, we're going to see Mirror, Mirror tonight. I don't know that I have a favorite fairy tale, but I've always loved The Little Mermaid.

  7. my favorite fairy tale has always been snow white! thanks for the giveaway.


  8. It's exciting that another classic fairy tale movie is back on the screen. Hope the story of puss and boots, sleeping beauty and the golden bird follows.

  9. So - I'm not really the Princess type so my favorite fairy tale is Three Billy Goats Gruff. :-) Love your blog@

  10. My favorite fairy tale is probably Rapunzel. I fell in love with the movie Tangled-great adaptation!

  11. My favorite is the Twelve Dancing Princesses.

  12. I have two favorites: Cinderella and the Twelve Dancing Princesses.

  13. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

    I'm hoping to go see Mirror Mirror for my birthday in a couple weeks, if it's still playing at our theater.


  14. I'm sort of a Sleeping Beauty fan.

    margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com

  15. Beauty and the Beast
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  16. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast

  17. Hmmm. Choose a favorite?? The one I love the most is... probably Cinderella, in all it's forms!

  18. My favorite is Beauty and the Beast, definitely! :-)

  19. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast.

  20. I love Cinderella and the many re-imaginings of it!

  21. I love Beauty and the Beast.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  22. Definitely Beauty and the Beast! Though Disney movies aside, I also love Hansel and Gretel.

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    yabliss AT gmail DOT com

  23. Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite.
    mearley1979 at gmail dot com

  24. Beauty and Beast has always been my favorite!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

  25. Cinderella would have to be my favorite! Snow white second! Great giveaway! style decor 1 at gmail dot com

  26. Hmmm... I think Sleeping Beauty is my favorite fairy tale, although I've certainly read more associated with Beauty and the Beast.

  27. the Little Mermaid- the old, walking-on-knives, disappears into sea foam, version.

  28. Cinderella always catches my attention! (extemter at hotmail dot com)

  29. As a kid, Little Red Riding Hood terrified me! I loved it! All of Grimm's Fairy Tales, the older versions, are great!

  30. Beauty and the Beast was always my favorite.
    soluckyducky at gmail dot com

  31. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella.

    slbastin at gmail dot com

  32. My favorite fairy tale is The Little Mermaid! :)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  33. I'm a Beauty and the Beast fan.

  34. I love Cinderella the most, but I also used to have a book as a child called Snow White and Rose Red which I absolutely ADORED.

  35. I think Beauty and the Beast wins, but I do have a soft spot for all those great 12 Dancing Princesses retellings floating around recently.

  36. I gotta go with Sleeping Beauty. I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy as a kid, so I have always felt a kinship with Sleeping Beauty.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I would have to go with Cinderella

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  39. My favorite is The Brown Bear of Norway. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  40. i've always loved the princess and the pea :)

  41. I love The Little Mermaid. Ariel's story was my favorite when I was a kid. :)

    Sarah L
    two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

  42. Always has been and always will be: 'Beauty & the Beast'

  43. Always has been and always will be: 'Beauty & the Beast'

  44. snow white and the 7 dwarves - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com


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