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Storytime: Colors 2

I've posted about a colors storytime before (it's one of my favorite themes!) but I mixed it up this past week for the start of our Fall storytimes. So here's my Colors 2 storytime plan for toddlers:

Opening Song (we use Finger Poppin' by Georgiana Stewart.)

Literacy Skill: Talk and Read (parental aside: the more you talk to your child, the more vocabulary they will learn! Today we'll be talking about colors and it's easy to point out all the colors you see around you every day)

Read: Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh (This one can be a bit long, so feel free to skip around or adapt to your group. I'll admit, I love using this one because it has one of my favorite crafts that goes with it!)

Song: These Are My Glasses by Laurie Berkner

"These are my glasses"-(make circles with your hands around eyes)
"And here is my book"-(make hands into closed book in front of you)
"I put on my glasses"-(lift circles with your hands around eyes)
"And open up my book"-(open palms into a book)
"And I read, read, read, and I look, look, look"
"Then I take off my glasses"-(move circles with your hands down from eyes)
"And whoops, close up the book!" (close palms into book in front of you)

Read: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See by Bill Martin Jr. (I sing this one to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Song: Five Green and Speckled Frogs (traditional) (We use a frog puppet/prop but you don't have to have it)

"Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Sat on a Speckled Log
Eating some most delicious bugs (yum yum)
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there were four green and  speckled frogs (ribbit ribbit)" (repeat counting down to one)

Read: Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin (If you don't know this book, go get it right now!! It's my favorite color book and I will find any excuse I can to use it in storytime!)

Stations: (We used activities and stations for this storytime)
-Mouse Paint painting. Remember my favorite activity I mentioned earlier? Take white paper and have the kids stamp or color onto it-but make sure to leave some white for the cat! (If you're feeling really brave, use paint, but I used stamps and fingerprints)

-Color Sorting Blocks 

-Color Sorting Bags 
                  (both of these stations are great for building vocabulary!)

-I Spy Board (since we're working on concepts for the month of September, we made a I Spy board with colors, shapes, letters and numbers and we'll put it up each week and have kids locate whatever concept we're working on that week)

-Freight Train Blocks and Book (for our Love Books skill!)-One of my staff made giant train pieces to look like the train cars in Freight Train, so we attached them to boxes and voila! instant train blocks!

Song: If You're Happy and You Know It (traditional)-The version I use has clap your hands, swing your arms and slap your knees.

Read: From Head to Toe by Eric Carle-my storytime ending book that I repeat every week! (or as someone called it this week-the storytime is over book)

Closing Song: Skinamarink

I could have added so many other books and songs because there is so much out there for colors-it's one of my favorite storytimes to do! No matter how often you repeat it, there is always something new.


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