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Adult Lit: Attachements by Rainbow Rowell

Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

Genre: Adult Romance

Release Date: 4/14/2011

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About the book: It's 1999 and e-mail is taking over the workplace. In order to make sure employees are using it appropriately, Lincoln is hired to monitor the web filter and read e-mails and report anything that is flagged. Beth and Jennifer know their e-mails are being monitored, but they don't care-they talk about anything and everything. Lincoln should report them, but he thinks they're e-mails are harmless-and fun to read. But by the time Lincoln realizes he's in love with Beth, he's been reading her e-mails for months and doesn't know how to introduce himself.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Sometimes books come along and they are the perfect book for that moment. Attachements  came at the perfect moment for me-I'd been stressed out with work and reading and wanted something light and fun and this book was just right.

The characters are all characters I'd like to be friends with. I loved Beth and Jennifer and related to them-I was as addicted to their conversations as Lincoln. And Lincoln is sweet and charming and exactly the type of guy I like to see in books. He's not the smooth, dashing hero, but instead he's the nice guy that you want to cheer for. I really liked the romance aspect of the book because it wasn't sugary sweet or too fast. It was well developed and felt real. Even if you typically snub your nose at romance titles, give this one a try. It's different and the characters are too much fun to put it down.

The story moves along at a quick pace. I listened to this one on audiobook and finished it quickly because I wanted to keep listening.

A fun adult romance with a lot of heart. I can't wait to read more from Rainbow Rowell.


  1. Great review--can't wait to read this one! If you haven't already, read Eleanor & Park (available in Netgalley)--it's her new YA and it's wonderful.

  2. I have that one on Netgalley and that's one reason I checked this book out. I had heard good things about her YA. I'm looking forward to it!

  3. This was one of my favorite books last year. It's spectacular!

  4. I read almost all of Georgette Heyer's regency romance novels in a few months and have just been in a funk since. This book sound like exactly what I need! Thanks.


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