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Caldecott Storytime: Week 2

Since 2013 is the 75th anniversary of the Caldecott Medal, I decided to theme all of my Spring storytimes around Caldecott Medal winners and honor books. I themed week two around animals and pets.

Theme: Animals/Pets

Opening Song: I opened this week with Where is Thumbkin and Shake Your Sillies Out

Literacy Skill: Tell Stories (all of our books and activities were about telling stories)

Caldecott Talk: I asked the kids if they remembered the books we read last week and since about half the group was new, I explained the Caldecott Medal again and talked about how we were going to look at books that had great pictures in them.


Knuffle Bunny is always fun to read and is great for kids and parents alike.
Song: These Are My Glasses by Laurie Berkner

 -The kids really loved this one, especially since they got to help call out all the animals rabbit was bringing in to help get the plane down.

Song: Little Bunny Foo Foo-this was a big hit-the kids loved all the actions and the parents loved that they knew the song and could sing along. It was great to have lots of intereaction from everyone with this song.


-I liked this book a lot, but the kids didn't seem to love it as much I do sadly. There are some very funny moments (the cat playing with toilet paper) that went right over the kids heads.

Song: Animal Action 1 by Greg and Steve



I got a very cute bunny craft from our craft supply at the library that the kids had lots of fun making:

(have kids trace foot, glue ears and cotton ball tail and draw eyes, whiskers and bunny feet)
-Build a tower with blocks-instead of animals like rabbits used, we used giant foam packing blocks
-Read a book with stuffed animals-I set up various stuffed animals and books for kids to read to stuffed animal friends 

How it went:

I would add a few more activities for this one, but overall the books and songs were lots of fun and the kids really liked it. The pet theme was a bit hit.


  1. I know and love Knuffle Bunny.
    Sometimes I think we write picturebooks that appeal more to grownups than kids.
    So it doesn't surprise me when one goes over their head. Example 13 Words by Lemoney Snicket. I adore it. My young friends didn't find it quite as funny as I did.

  2. I love Knuffle Bunny! I agree that at times picture books are more for the grown ups-I think the kids grow into Knuffle Bunny as they get older.


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