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Caldecott Storytime: Week 5

For the Winter storytimes, I've themed all of my preschool storytimes around Caldecott winners and honor books. You can read all my Caldecott storytime plans here.

For week five, I did a bathtime/water storytime.
Opening Song: Where is Thumbkin by The Wiggles
Literacy Skill: Love Books (especially because one of the books this week is my favorite!)


The kids really enjoyed this book and I had great interaction from them as we named all the animals we saw and made animal sounds. They all agreed the pictures in this book were very good.

Song: These Are My Glasses by Laurie Berkner

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood, illustrated by Don Wood

This is one of my all time favorite books and maybe my top Caldecott winning book. As a kid I would pour over the pages looking at all the details in the illustrations. I'm lucky that my library owns a big book copy of this one so it's even more fun to read in storytime. The kids and parents cracked up at this book and they loved looking at each page pointing out all the details of the pictures. I told them that the pictures in this book were very cool and they all agreed. 

Rhyme: Little Yellow Duck from The Big Book of Stories, Songs and Sing-Alongs by Beth Maddigan

If I were a yellow duck, yellow duck, yellow duck,
If I were a yellow duck, this is what I'd do.

I'd give a little "quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack."
I'd give a little "quack, quack, quack" That is what I'd do.

I'd flap my wings with a flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap,
I'd flap my wings with a flap, flap, flap, and say goodbye to you.

I planned to do this rhyme with the kids, but silly me put the bag of rubber duckies under the table and not quite out of view, so when we started talking about ducks, one child saw the rubber duckies and wanted one, and then another child wanted one and then another, so I had to quickly transition from the rhyme to our rubber ducky song. Ah well-we'll do the rhyme another time!

Song: Rubber Ducky by Ernie from Sesame Street 

I told the kids there was a very famous song about rubber duckies and we were going to sing along to it and dance with the rubber duckies. I passed out rubber duckies and we danced with the duckies making them swim up high, down low, from side and side and pretended to splash in the water.

Song: The Freeze Dance by Greg and Steve

Because dancing with rubber duckies was so much fun, we danced the freeze dance with the ducks too!

We made version of this rubber duck in the bath from Storytime Katie


-Duck Pond-I was brave and put out a sensory tub of water (on a large mat!) and let the kids fill it with the rubber ducks. They loved it and didn't splash too much.

-Bubble blocks-we have these very cool wooden blocks filled with colored bubbles that I put out for stacking and building

How it went: Aside from the kids getting excited about the rubber ducks and skipping the rhyme, this storytime was lots of fun. The parents got a kick of how I moved from one rhyme to our duck song, but you just gotta go with the flow! Next time I'll hide the ducks better! :) 


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