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Day in the Life of a Librarian

 Here's a look into what it's like to be a librarian!

8:00-Arrive at work to get storytime stickers for outreach visit, drive to first Chat & Chew group at local middle school.

8:15-8:45-First Chat & Chew book group with 5th and 6th grade. We're discussing Drizzle this month. We have four students for our discussion.

8:45-9:00-Drive to next outreach visit.

9:00-9:45-Two outreach storytimes for local elementary school Wonderyears (preschool) classes. The outreach storytimes include books and songs and since I go to the same classroom every month, I always get greeted as the library lady!

9:45-10:00-Drive to next outreach visit.

10:00-11:15-Outreach storytime visit to local daycare-visit five classrooms ranging in age from 2-5. More books and songs and greetings of "it's the library lady!"


11:50-12:00-Drive to next outreach visit.

12:00-Arrive at Chat & Chew for 4th grade at local elementary school. This will be my second discussion of Drizzle for the day.

12:10-12:50-Chat & Chew discussion. We have five students arrive to eat lunch and talk about Drizzle. (We typically have around nine for this group, but not all of them read the book this time around!)

12:50-1:00-Drive back to the library.

1:00-1:30-Arrive back at the library, check in with staff. On this day we were getting new furniture installed, so I checked in with my manager about where we were in the new furniture installation. Check email and voicemail messages.

1:30-2:15-Meet with manager for catch up meeting about next years conference budget requests and department requests.

2:15-4:00-Because of the furniture installation, we had to close down our department. We had carts of books outside our department entrance, so I kept watch at the front to see if there was anything I could retrieve for people inside our department and explained we were doing some remodeling and that we would be open again the next day. I also shelved picture books.

4:00-4:30-Clean up and straighten up department for tomorrow, check email, head home!


  1. What a super fun interesting day! I love the outreach program-it's a great way of reaching kids without them having to come to the library. Good for you and the library you work for!

  2. Sarah,

    That's a great idea to visit many outreach locations on the same day...I hadn't thought of that!

    I went to my outreach storytime this month and an adult patron recognized me, but couldn't remember my name, so she called me "library lady." I laughed when I read about that in your post :)

  3. Thanks Tammy. I really love our book clubs!

    Abby-It'ts a lot of work, but I like having back to back visits so I can pack more into my day.


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