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Contagious Colors of Mumpley Middle School by Fowler DeWitt PLUS GIVEAWAY

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Genre: Humor/Mystery

Release Date: 9/3/2013

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About the Book: Wilmer Dooley is a scientist. His father always says "observe!" and that's just what Wilmer loves to do. So when Wilmer notices the kids at school start turning strange colors and have an excess of energy, Wilmer decides to research this strange new plague outbreak and he's sure to win the Science Medal with a cure! But Wilmer's nemesis is on his tail and the science teacher Mrs. Padgett just knows Wilmer is up to no good. Can Wilmer solve the mystery, save the school, and maybe even win the heart of his crush Roxie?

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Science and humor make for an awesome blend in Contagious Colors of Mumpley Middle School. Wilmer is an incredibly likable character-his scientific observations and his crush on Roxie make him incredibly endearing-he reminds me a young Leonard from Big Bang Theory. Wilmer loves to observe and make scientific discoveries, but he's the only one in school to seem to notice that anything strange is happening. All the other kids are excited about their new colorful looks and polka dotted faces.

Wilmer has some arch rivals to fend himself from. Mrs. Padgett is an unlikable mean teacher who is up to no good and is not a fan of Wilmer as his science abilities. She doesn't like anyone who is smarter than she is. She makes for a hilarious, over the top villain and readers will enjoy laughing at her attempts to stop Wilmer. Wilmer also has to contend with Claudius Dill, who readers will recognize is not as sweet as he appears to be. Wilmer and Claudius have a rivalry and readers will cheer for Wilmer to discover the cure and solve the mystery before Claudius does.

On top of all the science and mystery, there's a cute romance as Wilmer is trying to win over the girl he likes. Filled with humor, an eccentric cast of characters, and a lot of fun, middle grade readers are sure to get a kick of this adventure-and maybe even interested in science! I hope there's more to come from Wilmer and the rest of Mumpley Middle School.

Full Disclosure: Reviewed from finished copy sent by publisher

Thanks to Simon and Schuster, one lucky winner will receive a copy of the book Contagious Colors Band Aids!

Leave a comment below with your favorite color to win!

-Contest open to US Address only
-Ages 13+
-Contest ends 9/11/13
-One entry per person please


  1. Blue! This book looks so great!

  2. Yellow-orange, the color of school buses! Upper elementary readers would love this book, humor and mystery, perfect!

  3. Green has always been my favorite color!

  4. Blue is my favorite. I think my students would love this book!

  5. Grey is my favorite color, and yes I know it's technically not a color. :)
    Fun review by the way.


  6. Cerulean has been my favorite color since my first Crayola 64!

  7. My favorite is green, especially seafoam and mint


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