Each day I walk into the library, I get to look forward to something new. While the general routine may be the same each day holds something different. I never know what questions I'm going to be asked and I love that! Here's what my day looked like today:
8:20- arrive at work, go through opening procedures for department
8:35-gather story time books and music
8:40-check in with M about plan for the day, what needs to be done
8:45-set up story time. Since I was doing back to back story times, I decided to do all sings and dancing without any crafts or activities to make the set up easier
9:05-check email, respond to messages that need answers right away, email manager about an upcoming staff meeting
9:15-on desk, youth services coordinator visits department to get feedback about sumner reading program, branch manager stops by to get stickers fir an outreach visit, sign up for upcoming staff training
9:30-P arrives for shift. We talk about the May schedule and I make adjustments to the schedule
10:00-time for toddler story time! The Freeze Dance and playing with the parachute were the kids favorite parts of story time
10:50-set up story hour room for preschool story time, adjust music I need for my preschool group.
11:00-this us only my third week back from maternity leave, so I'm still seeing lots of my regular patrons for the first time since I've been back. I got to catch up with one if my story time families and talk books and movies which is always fun!
11:15-preschool story time. I ended up reading the same books (Dance With Me, If You're A Monster and You Know It, and From Head to Toe) but I added longer songs. I included Greg and Steve's Listen and Move-one of my favorites! The kids loved it!
11:45-clean up story time and put books in bin for a repeat of my story time plan on Friday
12:05-rove through the teen department, take DVD cases up front to the circulation department, check mail, visit youth services coordinator to talk about purchasing a new diecut for our machine to use for summer reading, catch up with C when she arrives for the afternoon and talk about the schedule and email it out to staff, reply to emails
1:30-3:00-supervisor training webinar
3:00-visit teen department then head back to children's department after training, catch up with staff about what's been happening, make list of what to talk to branch manager about during meeting tomorrow, answer questions at desk and help patrons, update calendar with meetings and schedule for May, swap story times with M for next week and adjust the schedule (there is always so much to do with the schedule!!!)
4:20-answer questions at desk, visit teen department, straighten up department, organize desk for tomorrow, make to do list for tomorrow, one last email check
5:00-head home
Story time half of the day sounds just about right to me! Only, I'll admit that I'd rather be one of the kids *listening* rather than trying to keep the attention of a group of toddlers :) Still, best job ever!