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Get Ready for Tune In Tuesday!

(Me and some of my fabulous librarian friends at the Little Brown dance party at ALA)

I absolutely love to sing and dance! I take every chance I get to incorporate music into my storytimes and programming at the library. And I'm always on the lookout for new music. The more I've talked with other librarians who love to sing and dance, the more I've realized that we're always looking to share new ideas and favorite new songs. And so Tune In Tuesday was born! 

Mark your calendars now. The first Tuesday of every month (which means next week, Tuesday, September 2!) is going to be the inaugural Tune In Tuesday post. GreenBeanTeenQueen will serve as the host, but if you'd like to host a month, chime in in the comments and let me know! 

What should you post about? Any music (old or new) that you love to use in your library programming. Have you discovered a great new artist? Have you found the best new children's artist that you can't wait to  share? Have you found the perfect use for a favorite song? Tell us all about it!

Does the blogging world really need another meme? Maybe not. But I'm hoping there are others like me who love music and are looking to find new ways to use it in their libraries. And I'm hoping by sharing our ideas in a monthly meme, we can gather ideas and share and expand our music collections. 

So get your brainstorming on now and get ready to come back for the first Tune in Tuesday and share your post! 


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