Last year I wrote about the Fandom Starts Early Geeky Storytime I did at my library. I had too much fun that I had to repeat it and hopefully get a crowd of geeky kids and parents to attend. Here's how The Return of Geeky Storytime went. Opening Song : A Tootie Ta-this is a great song to get the kids up and moving Opening Song: The Robot Dance by The Pop Ups (because we have to dance like robots at geeky storytime!) Rhyme : I explained the kids that we would be talking about all sorts of fandoms and being geeky. I told them that geek meant you really loved something and asked what the things they really loved were. They said they loved playing, Batman, and video games. Then I had them recite a rhyme that made up just for our storytime. I'm a geek, yes it's true. I'm a geek, how about you? There are lots of things I love do And no one can tell me they are not cool. So stand up proud and shout hooray For all the fun things we will do today....
A Children's, Tween and Teen Librarian's thoughts on books, reading and adventures in the library.