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Tune in Tuesday

Tune In Tuesday is a monthly feature where I share some of my favorite music to use in library programs!

This month I'm going with an oldie but a goodie-Greg and Steve!

I grew up on Greg and Steve. I dance around the living room with my mom to Popcorn. Listen and Move is one of the best preschool dance songs ever. Greg and Steve's version of The Freeze is the only freeze song I ever use because it's the best!

I love how so many of their songs are action based. They ask the kids to get up and move, dance, and encourage various movements. I use Animal Action 1 & 2 pretty much every animal storytime I ever do. Same with Can You Leap Like a Frog. I love the skills kids learn from Listen and Move-it requires the kids to remember what movement each musical piece stands for. Anytime I have any program with a bear, you know we'll be using Goin On a Bear Hunt. I love Bop 'Til You Drop as a variation of The Freeze and using different styles of movement with the kids. The Boogie Walk is a great bunny hop type dance that's a lot of fun. (The awesome Miss P will be using it for our upcoming Giant Wiggle Party). And I use Dance With Your Teddy Bear as part of our stuffed animal sleepover.

Sure some of the songs may sound a bit dated now, but the kids and the parents don't care-they're having fun! Greg and Steve are still making music and it's still a blast.

Check out my favorite collection,  Kids In Motion.


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